How to maintain your flooring?

Keeping the floor clean and spotless is a top priority in both residential and industrial maintenance. A clean floor is not only eye-pleasing but also ensures safety for the occupants. When floor maintenance is neglected it will result in hazardous conditions. Many commercial flooring products such as Epoxy flooring products, carpets, wooden panels, tiles and vinyl sheets have been introduced to redress the maintenance concern. For many reasons, Epoxy flooring products have emerged as the most convenient flooring maintenance option. 

Epoxy Flooring Products Are Safe

Whether the space is residential or industrial, safety is the top priority. The anti-slip coating of the Epoxy flooring products is designed to prevent sudden falls and slips. This is a crucial factor in industrial spaces where heavy machinery is involved.

Epoxy Flooring Products are Durable

An average period for an Epoxy floor is usually around 20 years. If the floor is properly maintained, the durability can be even longer. All you need to maintain the stability of an epoxy floor coating is simply using a dust mop. Use it once or twice a week in order to keep dust or other muck away. Washing the floor is another convenient option.  Epoxy flooring products are also known for their toughness. The chemical compounds used in epoxy flooring products make sure it endures any heat, machinery or shock. As a result, the floor can hold up any chemical spill.

Epoxy Flooring Products are Cost-Effective

The price you need to pay per square foot is much less than what you have to pay for other commercial flooring products. The durability of the flooring product is another plus factor in terms of the cost.

Epoxy Flooring Products are Clean

Unlike other flooring products like tiles, Epoxy flooring products do not have joints and pores that collect grime. The most common problem faced when cleaning is that the grime gets gathered into a ridge corner. That is easily avoided on Epoxy flooring products. The Epoxy floor is visible with a transparent effect without hidden ridges that gather dirt.

Epoxy Flooring Products are Water-Resistant

The biggest advantage of the epoxy flooring option is that it holds up well against water and other stains. Water damage is generally experienced on wooden floors. You cannot, of course, avoid a spill. But a spill on an epoxy floor is very easy to remove.

Epoxy Flooring Products are Strong

Yes, it can endure any heavy machinery because it is three times stronger than concrete. The flexural strength, the capacity to resist bending deflection, is what makes epoxy flooring products endure any temperature and traffic. The bottom line is that no other flooring product can compete with epoxy when it comes to strength.

Epoxy Flooring Products are Eco-Friendly

The installation of many flooring products is an additional burden on the environment. This is hardly the case with Epoxy flooring products. The waste left byEpoxy products is much less than other products. Its convenient cleanability does not require tough cleaning chemicals. So we can easily count on Epoxy flooring products as an eco-friendly option.

Epoxy Flooring Products are Easy to Maintain

With no hidden cracks and an easy-to-clean option, Epoxy flooring products are the ultimate flooring products for convenient and hassle-free maintenance. 

Interested in Epoxy flooring products? Click here for more information.
